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The Mexinol icon in blue and green
Mexinol is Committed To Environmental And Social Sustainability

An integral part of Mexinol’s core values and practices is to operate in an environmentally responsible and socially sustainable manner.

We are committed to the highest environmental and sustainability standards in construction and operation, in accordance with Mexican standards; the World Bank Guidelines on EHS; IFC Performance Standards, 2012; Equator Principles IV, 2020; and other international standards.


Mexinol has chosen infrastructure locations to avoid impacting the Bay of Ohuira, the Ramsar Site, and community infrastructure; methanol will be exported through the existing port reducing environmental impacts; programs are in place to monitor and protect biodiversity, including birds, flora and fauna.
we listen
Feedback as a result of community engagement during the past several years led to development of a set of purpose-driven design solutions aligned with our core values. We will not impact the Bay; our facility is Net Zero to avoid pollution; we use clean and renewable energy; and we promote economic development aligned with the interests of communities.
Our innovative water solution consumes, further treats, and recycles municipal wastewater – eliminating competition with local agriculture, industrial, commercial and residential freshwater needs.
The Project has ultra-low carbon emissions, reducing all greenhouse gas emissions, and producing green and blue methanol.

Environmental and Social Impact 

Environmental and Social Impact 

Environmental and Social Impact 

Environmental and Social Impact 

Environmental and Social Impact 

Environmental and Social Impact 

Environmental and Social Impact

Mexinol is committed to our Good Neighbor Policy – supporting the long term socioeconomic development in the local area through multi-party dialogue and shared value.

We commit to engaging with Indigenous People in a way that respects their history, culture, and customs

Our Values

Social Performance

Respect for Human Rights is embedded in our Company policies, procedures, and practices.

Mexinol’s responsibility to sustainable resource management and its neighbors extends far beyond the ultra-low carbon production of methanol. The project has been engaging with local stakeholders for years, listening to local community members to understand their needs and concerns.

Our Good Neighbor policy commits us to working together with local business, society and government to generate long-term shared prosperity in the community.
The project is expected to generate thousands of jobs during peak construction and hundreds of direct and indirect jobs when operational in late 2027 / early 2028.
Mexinol and its contractors will use reasonable efforts to ensure that qualified local community residents are fairly represented in the Project’s workforce.
Mexinol will also provide qualified local businesses with an opportunity to access contracting opportunities for the provision of works, goods, and services to the project.

Mexinol is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is focused on contributing positively to those SDGs that most align with our industry and activities, including:

The Future Begins Today.  
The Future Begins Today.  
Goal 5:Gender Equality and Womens Empowerment
Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunity.
Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Increase share of renewable energy and promote clean energy technology.
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Promote full and productive employment, labor rights and innovation
Goal 9: Industries, innovation and infrastructure
Investing in skills development and social and economic growth.
Goal 10: Reduce Inequalities
Investing in skills development and social and economic growth.
Goal 13: Climate Action
Develop climate-resilient facilities with net-zero emissions.